Saturday, 26 March 2011

Robson's life

Robson is 23, and he lives in Jaboatão dos Guararapes. In his free time he likes watch TV and meet his friends. Robson is Fine and lives witch his mom and dad. Robson works, he's a vet. He has two sisters, doesn't have brothers and he has two nephews. Robson doesn't have any pets. He likes beach soso and likes watch soccer on TV. His favorite food is Casaver and Dry meat , favorite color is black and his favorite music is Beatles.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mirella, I have only a few comments to make on your text:
    he likes TO watch
    lives WITH his mom
    he likes THE beach a little ('so so' goes better in short answers, i.e.: 'do you like the beach?' 'So so')
    likes TO watch
    by casaver, i think you meant casava ('macaxeira', right?)
    favorite band is beatler (or 'his favorite music is rock', maybe!)

    Your text is excellent, well done!
