Saturday, 19 February 2011

Clarissa Freire

Hi! My name's Clarissa Freire. I'm 21 years old and I live in Boa Viagem, in apartament with my parents, my sister and my brother.
During the week in morning I study Forestry, in afternoon, I'm trainee in Laboratory of Plants Physiology both in UFRPE. On saturday, I study English at Britanic Setúbal.
I have a boyfriend, her name's is Carlos. I've been with him for over 4 years.
At weekend I like to go to the shopping, beach and relax. At nigth I prefer to go to bars, restaurants and night clubs with my friends, my sister and my boyfriend.

The End.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Clarisse i'm RURAL too, but i don't remember you for there, i'm 11th periode of Agronomy, i wanna to talk wich you again, so long.
